Wally Stover went home to be with the Lord on Friday, July 21, at 9:31 a.m. He was born on November 26, 1969, in Madison, Tennessee. His mother and father were Oneal and Peggy Stover.
Wally loved the Lord, every morning before work, he would read his Bible. He demonstrated Godly characteristics to those around him. Throughout Wally's life, he never failed to touch so many people's lives. He helped so many turn their life around when they were at a low point in life. Whether it was accepting Christ as their Savior, or getting their life back on track, Wally was there to help.
Wally Stover was an automotive painter for 27 years and was I-CAR certified and highly trained. He has won many award certificates with his profession and was highly regarded. He would paint many vehicles for his family, friends, and profession. Some of his works of art won him trophies that even landed him into the newspaper.
Wally loved riding motorcycles, he especially loved dragging his knee at corners. He joined a group called: NWI Riders, and would ride with the group all the time. Whether it was just casual rides, or they would meet somewhere for lunch/dinner. Yet, Wally's characteristic of touching peoples lives stretched out into the group. He had a tire-setup shop in his garage. He would help the riders out with their tires. He would also help them out with advice on what parts to get as well. He considered the NWI Riders family, because those guys stuck their necks out for Wally, just as he stuck his neck out for them. 
Now Wally lays to rest on the same hill as his father, who meant the world to him. He told his wife he wanted to face the East so when he rises, he could see his dear Savior when he comes back.
He is survived by his mother: Peggy, his brothers: Tim, Don, and Dan, his wife: Kathleen, and his son: Dain.
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" 2 Timothy 4:7-8 KJV.